We have a wealth of first-hand experience on buying and selling collector cars and therefore have built up a strong repository of knowledge of the all the major collector car marques that we deal in. We offer a service where we can undertake classic car inspection services for a number of purposes including pre-purchase due diligence and valuation purposes. We also have undertaken a number of inspection activities specifically for the purposes of probate.
Our inspection activities range from a basic condition appraisal with a guide valuation, to highly detailed activities involving the participation of our marque specialist partners. These inspections result in the presentation of highly detailed reports from experts in the marque of the vehicle under inspection.
All inspection activities are tailored to your precise requirements, but on the basis that as a dealer, accurate inspections and evaluations of vehicles we buy into stock is the fundamental skill we need to apply to our business, we believe we offer a professional inspection service suitable for any purpose. As classic cars have appreciated in value, condition, provenance and authenticity are of critical importance. If you are thinking of buying - Cavet Emptor - is pretty sound advice! The cost of a professional inspection invariably represents a minor cost against the financial penalties associated with the purchase of something that might not quite what it seems on first acquaintance...